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Local Search

How To Create More Actionable Leads By Optimizing Local Search Performance

Businesses that rely on phone calls and/or foot traffic from specific geographic areas should prioritize local search in their overall marketing strategy. Before search engines, whenever people wanted to find something they went to the yellow pages.  And every business spent between several hundred dollars and several tens of thousands of dollars monthly to be found in that book.  Search engines quickly became the modern-day version of the yellow pages, and today every business should invest some recurring amount of money in making sure it can be found on-line. Over the last decade, we’ve developed a process of optimizing local search for businesses, and our clients commonly see between 300% and 1,100% increases in the number of times they are shown in local search results. If you’re frustrated that your business isn’t showing up where you want it to, we can help.

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How To Leverage Local Search for the Greatest Benefit to Your Business

What do we mean when we say “Local Search?”  A plain and simple explanation of local search is making sure you are findable in these types of places:

On-Line Business Directories

We tend to focus on 4 key directories:

And, depending on your type of business, some specialty directories can become very important, such as:

    • TripAdvisor (businesses who rely on travelers)
    • Health Grades (medical professionals)
    • OpenTable (restaurants)

Your industry may have directories such as these examples that need to be prioritized in order to maximize your findability.

Map Apps

We tend to focus on 4 key maps that feed a number of popular apps:

    • Google (Maps, Waze, Yelp)
    • Microsoft (Bing, TomTom)
    • Apple (Maps)
    • Facebook

In isolated situations, there may be other maps that matter for your business, but these have proven to be the most important.  We’ve also found that getting these right tends to positively impact any second-tier maps that are out there.

 Social Media Pages

Too often, we see businesses simply create profiles on social media and not take the extra time to fully-complete the them.  This happens particularly often on Facebook.  Facebook is constantly adding new features and new data points in your page setup.  If you ignore these, or worse yet they have outdated, incorrect information you’re creating big problems for your local search performance. If you’d like to explore how Local Search can help you grow your business faster and more efficiently, we are willing to invest time to understand your goals and relate this to your strategy.

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