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Website Development

We Have a Unique Philosophy About Website Development

For most customers, we don’t believe website development should be a major budget line item.  However, we’re big believers in making sure the organization has a clear picture of how customers and prospects are using the website, what they want from the website, and then having a clear strategy to provide it.

Our goal is to get prospective customers to the most helpful and engaging information the fastest, and track all behavior so we can know what’s working and what’s not.  In our world, web development — for most customers — is akin to this analogy about kitchen cabinets.  Yes, some homes demand completely custom cabinets.  And on the low end, some homes really shouldn’t have more than off-the-shelf cabinets in order to avoid over-improving the house.  But for most houses, it makes the most sense to have semi-custom cabinets.  You need a custom look, without the custom cost.

That’s how we view most of our clients’ websites.  We believe the website is a vital part of the customer acquisition funnel.  We also believe in most cases that can be accomplished with off-the-shelf tools and a little custom programming to integrate it all successfully.  And given that most of our clients see 75% or more of their website traffic via mobile users, we always design mobile-first.  That’s the largest factor driving our practical, simplified approach.

Modern web development tools make this possible.  We have a lot of experience making off-the-shelf tools, a little custom programming, some thoughtful graphic design, and great content all come together affordably, effectively, and efficiently to grow your business and know exactly how the website is contributing to your success.

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We Have a Team of Experts That Think Like You Do

Start-ups and small-to-medium businesses don’t want to break the bank on website development.  We know this.

You’ll probably also notice as you navigate our own website here that we place a higher value on the quality and usefulness of our content over beauty.  We believe if we get you to the most useful information the fastest, you’ll forgive us if there isn’t a lot of window dressing along the way.  And the numbers bear that out.  Over and over again.

In today’s over-communicated society, time is our greatest asset.  We tend to value our time over all else.  So does our web development strategy.

Your website will establish your credibility, help people get to the information they value quickly, establish your value proposition, and engage people so they become actionable leads.  With our emphasis on tracking and reporting, you’ll also know exactly how much your website is contributing to your company’s customer acquisition funnel.

It’s a more practical way of thinking about the website.  We commonly hear nightmare stories of expensive, over-the-top designs that look beautiful but don’t engage, don’t track well, and leave businesses confused about whether or not the website is carrying its weight for the business.  Our goal is that our clients know.  Clearly.  And we apply everything we learn to keep making improvements over time.