Marketing Flops Happen
If you’re not failing, you’re not trying. That’s how the saying goes…
Gizmodo recently published an article about marketing flops on display at the Museum of Failure, including New Coke, Google Glass, the Delorean, and plenty of other famous flops.
Failure is OK, as Long as You Learn from It
As professional marketers, failure comes with the territory. Despite all the tech giving us new tools and strategies, marketing is still — at is essence — more art than science. Granted, the science is getting awesome! But the art is still in how you use the science. And marketing is a classic “just because you can, doesn’t mean you should” experience.
In fact, we recognized many years ago that failure is absolutely essential to finding marketing success. So much so that we created our Bullseye Marketing Method as a structured way to fail in measured ways, learn from it, and get better and better to the point where success naturally evolves out of those early failures.
3 Reasons Advertising Fails & How to Avoid Them
We recently recorded one of our latest workshops, 3 Reasons Advertising Fails & How to Avoid Them, and talked more about how to turn marketing failures into marketing success.
We’re Here to Help
Often business owners give up on marketing right on the precipice of success. And they’re more likely to give up when they feel all alone in their decision making.
And if the prospect of investing in better management of your marketing and growth is scary, here is how we think differently about that…
We invest in you long before you ever invest in us. How? We offer a free initial consultation that helps us understand you and your business, and gives us a chance to get “caught up” to what you’ve been doing, the results (or lack thereof), and determine what impact we could have that would fundamentally change your business for the better.
And only after you know us and we know you, do we determine any specific proposals to help you. And there’s no obligation. We take the up-front risk, not you. Your only investment is time; time to help us help you.
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