What is Net Promoter Score?
Net Promoter Score is a fast-growing method of tracking customer satisfaction. It lets customers rate their experience from different perspectives and end up with a single “score” that helps you know, in simple terms, if they’re GOOD word of mouth advertising for you, or BAD.
One of our clients, A Moment’s Peace Salon & Day Spa, is a fantastic outlier within the salon and spa industry in several great ways. Regular readers know they sell more gift cards annually than just about any salon and day spa in the world. What you may not know is that they’re also an industry leader in customer satisfaction tracking.
Case Study: How Net Promoter Score Works
Salon Today recently featured them in an article about how Net Promoter Score can boil the entire customer experience down to a single satisfaction metric. You can read the full article here.
By capturing an email or textable number from customers, you can immediately follow up any customer experience with a brief survey. About 10% of customers complete the survey, although this response rate varies dramatically by industry.
Based on their responses, you can report back to your team how they’re being perceived by customers, and you can identify areas that need further training. You can also intercept bad experiences BEFORE they become a negative review!
How To Get Started with Net Promoter Score
Kip Dodson, the owner of A Moment’s Peace Salon & Day Spa, has become such a “promoter” of Net Promoter Score, he’s willing to talk to any small business owner about how to get started.
Just schedule time with our team and let us know you’d like to talk about Net Promoter Score. We’ll coordinate Kip’s participation on the call and help answer your questions.
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