How Do I Generate More Leads for My Business?
“How do I generate more leads for my business?” is one of the most commonly-asked questions we hear. So you’re not alone if you’re searching for a solution to this problem.
According to colorib, organizations generate an average of 1,877 leads monthly. How does that compare to your business? You probably wouldn’t be reading this if you didn’t already know you want or need more leads for your business…
A Helpful Checklist to Generate More Leads for Your Business
We prepared a simple checklist to guide you through some brainstorming to help generate more leads for your business.
Submission Forms. Nearly 85% of businesses use on-line submission forms. So you may already be doing that. But some common mistakes with forms include:
- Too many fields (customers don’t like to jump through hoops)
- Buried forms (customers shouldn’t have to go looking for the form)
- Forms that aren’t mobile-friendly (over 75% of users are often on mobile phones)
Outbound E-Mail. The average open rate for e-mail is running right at about 21.5%, and it’s holding up over time. We’re big fans of marketing automation that helps you cover a lot of ground without having to dedicate a lot of human resources to the effort until leads become actionable.
Read More: Ultimate Guide to Outbound Marketing Automation
Content Marketing. One of the strongest boosters of lead generation is content-driven marketing. Whether you’re a B2B or B2C company, your potential customers appreciate helpful content to solve problems; a great way to build relationships and trust with potential customers.
Read More: The Case for Better Content Marketing
Custom Landing Pages. Potential customers want to get to the exact information they’re seeking as quickly as possible, and without a lot of friction (clicks, forms, or other extra steps). So creating product- or service-specific landing pages allows you to send potential customers to the best information fast. This is particularly helpful if you’re doing Search Engine Marketing (SEM) or conducting digital display advertising campaigns. For best results, everything should focus on one product or service at a time, and go directly to information on your website about that single topic.
Read More: How to Get Better Advertising Results
Know Your Funnel & Track Marketing ROI
Leads are Highly Perishable
It’s important to foster leads quickly. Fast response can improve conversion by up to 9 times the success! So as you’re generating more leads for your business, be sure you’re ready to follow them up in a quality way.
We’re Here to Help
If answering the question, “How do I generate more leads for my business?” is keeping you awake at night, let’s talk. We offer a free initial consultation without any obligation. It’s proven to be a great way for potential customers to get to know us, and vice versa. And we provide useful, actionable ideas on the call.
Schedule time with us today. Or at least sign up for our free e-mail newsletter that periodically alerts you to helpful articles like this one whenever they’re added to our Local Marketing Blog.
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